五男神 : 天忍穂耳命・天穂日命・天津彦根命・熊野樟日命・活津彦根命
三女神 : 多紀理姫命・市杵島姫命・多岐都姫命二柱の主祭神を中心に祀り、世に天王様として親しまれ、御祭礼は四谷の「天王祭り」また「かっぱ祭り」として有名でありました。
五男神 : 天忍穂耳命・天穂日命・天津彦根命・熊野樟日命・活津彦根命
三女神 : 多紀理姫命・市杵島姫命・多岐都姫命
The two main deities are enshrined at the center of the shrine, and the shrine is popularly known as "Tenno-sama" (Lord Tenno) and its festivals are famous as the "Tenno Festival" and the "Kappa Festival" in Yotsuya.
Inari Ookami is worshipped as the god of good harvest, good fortune, and prosperous business, while Suga Ookami is worshipped as the god of the calendar, and as the god of civil engineering, construction, banishment of evil spirits, and protection against various calamities and epidemics.
On either side of the main deity, eight sons are enshrined, including Kushi-inahime.
Five male deities: Ama-ninshihomimi-mikoto, Ama-ninshihonomikoto, Amatsuhikone-mikoto, Kumano-johinomikoto, Katsutsuhikone-mikoto
The three main deities: Takirihime-no-Mikoto, Ichikishimahime-no-Mikoto, and Manetohime-no-Mikoto are worshipped as the two main deities.
Inari Ookami is worshipped as the god of good harvest, good fortune, and prosperous business, while Suga Ookami is worshipped as the god of the calendar, and as the god of civil engineering, construction, banishment of evil spirits, and protection against various calamities and epidemics.
On either side of the main deity, eight sons are enshrined, including Kushi-inahime.
Five male deities: Ama-ninshihomimi-mikoto, Ama-ninshihonomikoto, Amatsuhikone-mikoto, Kumano-johinomikoto, Katsutsuhikone-mikoto
Three goddesses: Takirihime-mikoto, Ichikishimahime-mikoto, and Manitohime-mikoto.
例祭 : 11月(酉の市)
Regular festival : November (Tori-no-michi)
社名の須賀とは、須佐之男命が出雲の国の簸の川上に八俣の大蛇を討ち平らげ拾い「吾れ此の地に来たりて心須賀、須賀し」と宣り給いて、宮居を占め給いし故事 に基づき名付けられた名称です。
往古の御社殿はつまびらかではありますが、戦災前の御社殿は、文化十一年八月に起工し、十五年の歳月をついやして文政十一年十二月に竣工したものです。大正十二年九月一日の関東大震災めでは江戸名所図会に描かれたままの姿でありました。昭和二十年五月二十四年の東京大空襲の折り、御本殿並びに御内陣と境内摂社を残した外一切の建物を失いましたが、戦後、氏子崇拝者の赤誠(せきせい)に依って 今日の復興を見ることが出来ました。
当社の本殿御内陣は文政二年に造営されたものでありますが、先の戦災の折り、辛うじて焼失を免れたものの極度に老朽化が進み、この儘では保存に支障をきたすとして、この度その大修復工事が行われ、昭和六十三年秋に着工、平成元年五月九日に落成し、同月十八日に遷座祭が執行されました。 今日の復興を見ることが出来ました。
御内陣宮殿 文政二已卯年四月四谷伝馬町二丁目住人 大工 吉見氏
The present Suga Shrine used to be Inari Shrine. It is said that the Inari Shrine was originally located in Shimizudani, the village seat of today's Akasaka and Hitotsugi villages, and that it was moved to this site (its current location) in the 11th year of Kan'ei Era, when the outer moat of Edo Castle was built as a replacement.
In the 14th year of Kan'ei Era, during the Shimabara War, a man named Magome Kanyu, a feudal lord of Nihonbashi-Odenmacho, was ordered by the Shogunate to serve as a military logistics agent, and for his services he was given an area in the center of present-day Yotsuya. The shrine was called Yotsuya Tenno-sha and was popularly known as Yotsuya Tenno-sha until the Meiji Restoration. The shrine was renamed Suga Shrine in the first year of Meiji (1868) and elevated to the status of a local shrine in 1872.
The company name "Suga" is based on a legend that Susano-no-mikoto defeated a serpent of eight summata on the river of Mino in the Land of Izumo and picked it up, declaring, "I have come to this land and my heart is Suga, Suga," and occupied a palace residence.
Although the old shrine pavilions are still visible, construction of the prewar pavilions began in August of Bunka 11, and was completed in December of Bunsei 11, after 15 years of hard work. After the Great Kanto Earthquake of September 1, 1923, it remained as depicted in the Edo Meisho Zue (Illustrations of Famous Places in Edo). During the Tokyo Air Raid of May 24, 1945, all buildings were lost except for the main shrine, inner sanctuary, and auxiliary shrines on the temple grounds.
The inner sanctuary of the main building of the shrine was constructed in 1867, but although it narrowly escaped destruction by fire during the war, it had deteriorated to such an extent that its preservation would have been compromised if it had not been restored. The restoration work was completed on May 9, 1989, and a relocation ceremony was held on May 18, 1989. The restoration work was completed on May 9, 1989, and the relocation ceremony was held on May 18 of the same month.
It is now one of the few shrines in Tokyo that shine with brilliant gold, and it is a building of the utmost solemn splendor. In the 170th year since its construction, a major restoration work was carried out. Today's restoration can be seen.
Gonaijingu Denma-cho 2-chome resident, Bunsei 2 April 4, 2011, Yoshimi Ogong
さらに、わが国で初めての和歌と伝えられる八雲立つ出雲八重垣つま籠みに 八重垣つくるその八重垣をという歌をお創りになったことから、「和歌の神様」と崇められ、学業成就の神様としてもよく知られています。
Susano-no-mikoto was born when Izanagi no Mikoto, well known in the myth of the birth of the nation, performed misogi in the Land of Hades to meet his wife Izanami no Mikoto, and was then born at Abakibara, Tachibana no Komon in Hyuga. He is one of the three noble children, along with Amaterasu (Amaterasu-Omikami) and Tsukiyomi-no-mikoto, and plays an important role as the main character in Japanese mythology. He is widely worshipped throughout Japan as the god of agriculture and the god of pestilence, with a strong and fierce temperament but also a pure and loving nature.
He is also the god of agriculture who controls water, and he is also the god of planting trees for the benefit of people. He is also the god of forests and mountains, where he did great deeds of tree-planting for the people.
Furthermore, since he created the poem "Yaegaki Tsumagomi ni Yaegaki Tsumagomi ni Yaegaki wo Tsukuru Sono Yaegaki" which is said to be the first waka poem in Japan, he is revered as the "God of Waka" and well known as the god of academic success.
Susan Susan is believed to be the god of purification and the god of blessings of the earth, who gives people resources for civil and military affairs, politics, land protection and development, and navigation, etc. In particular, Susan is believed to be the god of the ground-breaking ceremony, protection from evil, protection from bad luck, protection from plague, and protection of house sites.
Generally, the local deity is called Ujigami-sama, Sanchosama, or Chinju-sama.
Japanese people have visited the Ujigami shrine on every occasion, including the Hatsumode (New Year's visit to a shrine).
In ancient times, the Ujigami were deities commonly worshipped by clans related by blood, and were either the ancestral deities of the clan or deities closely related to the clan.
As time went by, there was no clear distinction between Ubusunagami and Chinju-sama, the local deity that protects the local land, and these deities were often worshipped together as Ujigami.
People who live within the “ujiko area" of a shrine and offer their faith and sincerity to the shrine are called ujiko, and those who are outside the ujiko area but have the same reverence are called reverents.
People who live within the “ujiko area" of a shrine and offer their faith and devotion to the shrine are called udeshi, and those who are outside the ujiko area but still hold the same reverence and trust are called reverents.Ujiko visit Ujigami during life ceremonies and other occasions to pray for a healthy and happy life.
In the old days, ujiko referred to family members related by blood, but today, ujiko refers to all the people who live in the area of the ujigami and who participate in festivals and other rituals.
This shrine is the general guardian of Suga-machi, Yotsuya 1-chome, Yotsuya 2-chome, Yotsuya 3-chome, Yotsuya 4-chome, Sanei-cho, Honshio-cho, Sakamachi, Katamachi, Aizumicho, Arakicho, Funamachi, Wakaba 1-chome, Wakaba 2-chome, Wakaba 3-chome, Samon-cho, Minami-Moto-cho, Shinanomachi and 18 other towns in Yotsuya.